β-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (Coenzyme-II,β-NADP+) disodium salt
分子量:: 787.4(as monohydrate)
CAS NO.: 24292-60-2
纯度(HPLC): ≥95%
纯度(G-6-PDH enzymatic activity): ≥ 93%
外观: 白色至微黄色粉末
含水量: <8%
ε at 260nm and pH 7.5 (18.0±1.0)x103 L/mole/cm
Ratio at pH 7.5
A250/A260 0.83±0.03
A280/A260 0.21±0.02
ε when reduced with G-6-PDH at 340nm and pH 7.5 (6.2±0.3)x 103 L/mole/cm
A340/A260 when reduced with G-6-PDH at pH7.5 0.43±0.02
pH (10mg/ml) 4.0-6.0
保存于干燥、低温及避光处。固态于 +2 to +8oC稳定。长期保存宜于-20oC或以下
辅酶II NADP是一些医药原料药及中间体生产过程中不可或缺的辅因子,同时在诊断试剂盒生产过程中也有涉及。